Title: Manually install the proprietary Nvidia GeForce video drivers on openSUSE 13.1. Date: Dec. 08, 2013 URL: https://monsterb.github.io/notes/notes005.txt License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ Author: monsterb Manually install the proprietary Nvidia GeForce video drivers on openSUSE 13.1. Use this hard to follow how-to at your own risk. This worked for me on openSUSE 13.1 64bit with kernel 3.11 and Nvidia driver 331.20. 1.) Download Nvidia GeForce drivers: Go to http://www.geforce.com/drivers and download the proper binary drivers for your Nvidia GeForce model. Make the binary executable: $ chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.20.run 2.) Install the dependencies for the NVIDIA driver: gcc, make, and kernel-devel $ sudo zypper install gcc make kernel-devel 3.) Exit out of X to install drivers: The easiest way is to select "Console login" from gui login screen (kdm) or use key combo Ctrl-Alt-F1. 4.) Disable Kernel Mode Setting (KMS): Step 1: Edit /etc/sysconfig/kernel and set "NO-KMS-IN-INITRD = yes". Run mkinitrd to re-create the necessary initrd file: # mkinitrd Step 2: Edit the file /etc/default/grub and add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=. Run the command "grub2-mkconfig" to re-create the /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file. # grub2-mkconfig 5.) Blacklist nouveau to prevent the proprietary NVIDIA driver from conflicting with the default nouveau driver. Add "blacklist nouveau" to /etc/modprobe.d/50-blacklist.conf 6.) Install the binary driver: # ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.20.run Finally! Reboot. # reboot